Life with Ella and Emerson

This is a blog dedicated to my beautiful daughters, Ella and Emerson. Emerson was diagnosed with a rare, genetic disorder called Williams Syndrome when she was 5 months old.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Monday, January 08, 2007


Yep, it's just one of those days. I really wish I had some large owner's manual for Emerson that told me how to weave through all of these questions that I have about her. Here's a quick update: A few weeks ago we had her appointment with her feed team and they were OK with our concoction of 16oz Good Start and 8 oz of Calcilo per day. They want me to start adding 2-4oz of yogurt per day to up her calcium intake. Her tested levels continue to come back high normal range. Well, they just called me and told me that her Vitamin D levels are dropping 19 to 16 (normal range is 20-100) so they want me to put her on a Vitamin D supplement called Drisdol. From everything I have read you do not want to put kids with WS on supplements that contain calcium or Vitamin D. I called her geneticist and she agreed with me and wrote a letter to the feed team explaining that we were going to keep things status quo. Sidenote: I too may be "fired" from the GI clinic soon since I never follow their recommendations... Anyway, am I off-base here? They also told me that at 1 year of age (next month) we need to have a talk about milk because apparently her need for calcium is going to double. When I read others blogs it seems like most are on some type of formula (with or without Calcilo) after their first birthday. Who should I be consulting on this? Trust me, I would love to go off the Calcilo since my insurance decided not to cover it. They just informed me that they would only cover it if she were being fed through a feeding tube. Ughhhhhhhh!! Emerson was also just put on Propanolol for her high blood pressure. Anyway, sorry for this exasperated post, but I just wish I knew what exactly to do for her.

Other than the above, life really has been going fine lately. Emerson seems to be doing pretty well, although her ears are still bugging her from her ear infection. Took her in and they are fluid-filled, but no longer infected. She continues to make some progress, she can now hold herself up on all fours for about 30 seconds, but doesn't seem to know how to coordinate crawling. I've started to hear some babbling when she cries (ma-ma-ma-ma) which I will take. Other than that we really haven't had too much change in development. But, as long as she is happy we are all happy. :)

Interestingly, I am currently reading a book called "Love You, Mean It". It is about 4 women whose husbands were killed in the WTC on 9/11. It is a book about their fall into deep despair and how the friendship and bond they formed with one another pulled them out of it. I really thought of all of you, my blogger friends, and how our friendship based on less than desirable circumstances is really helping me cope with this new path in life. It's not that I don't have great friends and family, but they don't always "get it". Recently, I was telling a girlfriend how Emerson can almost pull herself up. She put Emerson in front of a table expecting her to do it. I then had to tell her that she can pull herself up, propped on my leg, with her balance in place and legs and feet properly aligned, but then look at her go!!! I was very impressed, but I think my friend was thinking, "well, she's not really pulling herself up." Thank you all for being out there as my support system of people who "get it".


Blogger Lisa said...

I am so glad I have you too :) Getting fired worked out to be for the best for us. I guess when God turns off a light he opens a window. Emerson looks so cute standing :) I am in the same boat as you got no clue about the Milk thing...Can you believe the girls are going to be 1...

Love Ya

2:14 PM  
Blogger Kerry said...

You crack me up in those last few lines of you blog :)

We are doing Enfamil and Calcilio with Polycose for weight. We are not doing Enfamil mixed the way on the container - we are doing more powder per liquid to also help with Brady's weight. This has all come from the Nutritionist we see at Children's Hospital in Boston. She is wonderful! I did some yogurt on my own over the summer but she had me stop. Brady's calcium levels were never High High, but they were starting to creep up... then we put in Calcilio and now they are going back down. She still doesn't want us to do yogurt and cheese though, which is the natural progression to gain weight and eat better. She said originally Brady would be on formula nd Calcilio for at least another six months from his 1 year old visit - but his eating has not improved a lot so I am assuming until that is better we are formula driven.

You should have your feed team draft a letter to send to insurance... I can't imagine that you would be off Calcilio too soon. Why must insurance companies muck things up?!?!?! Good luck - keep us up to date!

8:42 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Honestly, your feed team drives me crazy too! All these numbers and crap. Seriously, what does it all mean? It sound like a case where they are not treating a person with WS, and just following guidelines from a book - not a good thing and your gut seems to be telling you that. I will tell you, from what I have seen first hand and heard from other moms, I am not convinced putting Emerson on 100% milk at 12 months is wise. Maybe you should call Dr. Mervis and Morris in Louisville? Anyway, I just read an article that said they usually grow out of hypercalemia at 18 months, so I am not sure uping her calcium at this point is the best idea. The reality of it all is this, what will cause your child the most medical damage, not getting the recommended nutrients she needs listed in a book or the damage that high calcium can cause? All I know is Avery thrived on a low calcium diet, and that is enough proof for me. Just my opinion(: By the way, you do need someone to tell your insurance that Calcilo is MEDICALLY NECESSARY, that should do the trick.

PS Emerson looks great!!!!

6:27 AM  
Blogger Teresa and Shawn said...

The photos are so cute!

Once Clare turned a year old, we did put her on whole milk (I also continued nursing her until she weaned at 17 months old). She was always borderline high normal, too. We thought this latest strike was due to calcium, but it's not and Clare has never really had a problem with calcium. She tolerated the whole milk fine. And we were also told absolutely no vitamin D. It wasn't until the last couple months they we put Clare on a multi-vitamin. Forget what the feed team says about her calcium and vitamin D. Obviously she needs them, but Amy made a good point - the risk of her having issues from not getting huge amounts is far less than her risk from developing hypercalcemia.

10:35 AM  

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